Well, it's going to take me a while to do this justice.

The Mayans had several calendars based on different astronomical cycles:

This is only the beginning, and the inter-relation of these calenders goes deeper.

The 260 day cycle is constructed by interlocking 13 numbered days with 20 named days.


  1. Imix [crocodile]
  2. Ik [night]
  3. Akbal [snake]
  4. Kan [deer]
  5. Chicchan [jade]
  6. Cimi [monkey]
  7. Manik [reed]
  8. Lamat [eagle]
  9. Muluc [thought]
  10. Oc [storm]
  11. Chuen [wind]
  12. Eb [net]
  13. Ben [death]
  14. Ix [rabbit]
  15. Men [dog]
  16. Cib [tooth]
  17. Caban [jaguar]
  18. Etz'nab [wax]
  19. Cauac [knife]
  20. Ahah [hunter]

Thus, we start with:

1 Imix, 2 Ik, 3 Akbal,...
1 Ix, 2 Men, 3 Cib,..
1 Manik, 2 Lamat, 3 Muluc,...

Until we complete the 260 day cycle (with 13 Ahah).

Every 52 years, the 260 day and 365 day cycle together again.


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